DVD’s available for free! Remember, if you’re a student here at UW Manty, you can check out videos, Cd’s, and DVD’s from the library. And the selection is really very decent.
Okay, so you’re checking out the UW-Manitowoc website and found your way to this BLURB link. It’s called the BLURB because it’s not exactly a Blog and it’s not regular or routine enough to be an “official” information source. The plan is to let you in on the unofficial happenings of this little campus of a great big University. Sometimes I’ll offer a word of advice or “hot” tip. Sometimes I’ll ask for your thoughts. Sometimes I’ll just rant or rave or tell a little story.
Whatever the case, you’re welcome to come along for the read or the ride. And you’re always welcome to connect to this site by emailing theblurb@uwc.edu.